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Press Release - Turtle Creek
Message from the First Selectman regarding Turtle Creek

Several months ago, David Gumbart (, Director of Land Management, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), informed me that the Turtle Creek Nature Preserve would be closing to canines. According to Mr. Gumbart, the Nature Preserve is not intended for this type of activity but instead, according to the original deed, intended for scientific, educational and aesthetic purposes. Dogs apparently do not fall into any of these categories. Mr. Gumbart feels this Preserve has become a dog park. In addition, I have been informed that several neighbors believe that the traffic to this Preserve has become a hazard.

TNC intends to place large rocks in or near the parking areas in an effort to limit the ability to park. To be clear, the Town of Old Saybrook is not allowing any obstructions to be placed on its property. The Town would also like to work with TNC to continue to allow public access by humans and canines to this property, but TNC does not want to have this conversation.

The Town has other open space available for this type of recreation. The Preserve and Town Park are two areas where this is both adequate parking and a variety of trails. We will continue to converse with TNC in the hopes of coming to an amicable resolution and will keep the public updated.  Thank you for your patience.